The EstoBro TV Podcast
When two friends met in college, they discussed their favorite subjects over drinks on a college campus in Florida. It only took them an entire decade later to record said conversations and turn them into a podcast. The show features Matty EstoBro and Theo "TV" Vlass discussing subjects on current events, nerd culture, music, sports, and many other parodies that have been enhanced even further by the internet. Their little passion project has been supported by friends, family, and all faces of life who have helped shape this program into what it is today. New episodes are featured weekly, and you can follow along with the show on any popular social media platform.
The EstoBro TV Podcast
Best of 2024 Compilation Episode
99th Avenue Productions
Happy New Year! In the final week of the holiday break, please listen to this compilation episode that EstoBro and TV have cut of some of their best moments from episodes in 2024. The following episodes featured include:
Oh, Look a Strawberry (1:10)
Back in the New York Groove (13:55)
Goodnight, Everybody! (30:00)
I Like my Suitcase (40:25)
Video Game Jammin; EstoLegend talks One Love (61:35)
Be on the lookout for when the new episodes return in 2025! Happy holidays from the Gents of the EstoBro TV Podcast!
Theme song made by iamRavedad
Interact with the Gents of the podcast on the following social media platforms:
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